Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Who Will Win the Primaries?

As most of you know, primary elections are held to determine which candidate each party will endorse as their official candidate for the upcoming election. Both parties have primary elections in just a few short months and I'm very interested to see who each party will nominate. An interesting thing to note: The democratic party has narrowed it down to about 4-5 serious candidates while the republican party has a much more crowded field numbering 14+ (as demonstrated in this photo).

Who do you think will win the primary vote for the Republicans? The Democrats? Who do you WANT to win?

Links to: Information about the Republican Primary Elections

                Information about Democratic Primary Elections


  1. I agree with you that it is interesting that there are so many republican candidates and so few democratic candidates. I think that it hurts the republican party to have so many candidates. That is because it spreads the popular opinion so much, that when one of them is selected, there are going to be a lot of unhappy people; whereas, on the democratic side, the people are being forced to side with one of the few right now, and so more people will be behind them in the presidential campaign. As a result, the democratic candidate will have a lot more support than the republican candidate.

  2. I agree with you that it is interesting that there are so many republican candidates and so few democratic candidates. I think that it hurts the republican party to have so many candidates. That is because it spreads the popular opinion so much, that when one of them is selected, there are going to be a lot of unhappy people; whereas, on the democratic side, the people are being forced to side with one of the few right now, and so more people will be behind them in the presidential campaign. As a result, the democratic candidate will have a lot more support than the republican candidate.

  3. I think that Bernie Sanders would make a good president although I don't agree with all his policies. And Ben Carson would also make a good president if he had good advisers in his foreign department.

  4. I think that Bernie Sanders would make a good president although I don't agree with all his policies. And Ben Carson would also make a good president if he had good advisers in his foreign department.

  5. I'd like Bernie Sanders to win the primaries; however, I don't know if he will. I think it's unfortunate that Bernie and Hillary are the only viable candidates so far, as Biden could have split Hillary's votes and made it easier for Sanders.
